Category: Erectile Dysfunction

ED as a Precursor to Cardiovascular Issues  

Problems with blood flow is a common reason for ED, meaning ED could be an indication of cardiovascular issues to come

New research into the causes and correlations between disease states is always exciting, mainly because we can use correlated issues to diagnose or prevent co-occurring disorders. One fascinating correlation is between erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular concerns. Interestingly, approximately 57% of atrial fibrillation patients, a common heart rhythm disorder, also experience ED. A potential reason for this includes poor blood flow that affects the penis. However, interestingly, new cases of ED were rare in patients with existing atrial fibrillation. This research shows that ED can be a precursor or indicator of future heart disease. Why? When the blood flow in the body is compromised, the penis is often affected earlier and more apparently than other bodily structures.

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New Study Shows the Effects of a High Protein Diet on Fertility and Erectile Function

Man eats a steak as part of a high protein diet that could impact his fertility and erectile function

Male fertility and erectile function are two essential parts of a man’s physical and psychological health. As we age, these functions begin to wane. While we can’t help but think about these issues, many modifiable lifestyle considerations can negatively affect a man’s fertility and even cause ED.

Recent UK research evaluated more than two dozen other studies that included a diet very high in lean proteins. The findings were striking in that these high-protein diets increased cortisol production and lowered testosterone, contributing to erectile dysfunction and even less fertility in men. The average man should consume about 17% of their calories as protein each day as a point of reference—the men who had the worst effects consumed over 35% of their calories as protein. As a result, the study authors suggest that men consume no more than 25 g of lean protein each day even.

Unfortunately, this study suggests that departing from a balanced nutritionally balanced diet can have significant detrimental effects, even on our sexual function.

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