Are Viagra (Sildenafil) and Cialis (Tadalafil) Interchangeable?

Man popping blue pills out of packaging next to glass of water

With all the novel medical and surgical therapies developed over the past few decades to address Erectile Dysfunction or ED, two remain stalwarts in the front-line fight to improve erectile function. These, of course, are Viagra and Cialis, generically known as Sildenafil and Tadalafil, respectively. Both drugs are PDE 5 inhibitors, which essentially relax the muscles in the lining of the arteries, allowing them to expand and delivering more blood as a result. Being that ED is a primarily vascular concern, this increased blood flow is exceptionally important for continued erectile function and sexual health.

Can either of These Drugs Be Used?

The short answer is yes; Sildenafil and Tadalafil are interchangeable – both work very similarly to create an erection, and both can be relied upon for consistent, predictable erections, assuming, of course, that erectile function has not worsened in time.

To illustrate this point, some patients may have uncomfortable side effects from one drug or the other. In those cases, we typically discontinue the drug causing the side effects and try the other option. Often, men prefer the one that works well and has the fewest side effects.

Is There Any Difference Between the Two?

We dive into the differences between Viagra and Cialis more deeply in a separate article; however, yes, there are some differences between the two drugs. A few of these differences include:

  • Dosage. The maximum dose for Sildenafil is 100 mg, While for Tadalafil, it is 20 mg.
  • Daily use. Tadalafil (usually 5mg) is also approved for and was initially indicated as a low-dose daily-use drug for BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia. Many men continue to take low-dose Cialis for foundational erectile function and spontaneity.
  • Duration of effect. Sildenafil is effective for several hours, while Tadalafil may be effective for up to 3 days. As such, men with predictable self-sex lives may prefer Sildenafil, while those who prefer spontaneity may need Tadalafil.
  • Effectiveness High-fat meals can compromise the potency of Sildenafil. These meals do not, however, change Tadalafil’s effectiveness. Men who typically precede their sexual encounters with a large meal or date night may prefer Tadalafil.

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, visiting a qualified men’s health urologist like Dr. Kapadia is the best way to ensure that you understand the full range of erectile dysfunction treatment options and medications like Viagra and Cialis. Fortunately, these drugs’ fast onset and predictability will answer whether one or both may be right for you. Even if one does not offer ideal results, the other can be tried without too much concern for side effects or safety. If neither drug works, we can discuss the possibility of follow-on steps, including injections and a penile prosthesis for severe erectile dysfunction.

Please schedule a consultation with Dr. Kapadia to learn more and get a treatment plan that improves your sex life and general lifestyle.