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What to Know About Testicular Mapping

What to Know About Testicular Mapping

While there’s plenty we don’t know, we have learned a lot about male fertility and reproduction over the past few decades. One of the most exciting areas of research and advancement has been in the management of male fertility concerns. Nonobstructive azoospermia was at one time considered difficult or impossible to treat,

Man and wife walking down path holding hands

When to Consider a Penile Implant for Erectile Dysfunction

When to Consider a Penile Implant for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the persistent inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual satisfaction. It is a prevalent condition affecting up to 30 million men in the United States and 150 million worldwide. ED can significantly impact a man’s quality of life and intimate relationships.

Man on computer researching vasectomy procedure

Debunking Common Vasectomy Myths

Debunking Common Vasectomy Myths

Vasectomy is a safe, effective, and permanent method of male sterilization. Despite its widespread use, numerous misconceptions and myths surround this procedure. These misconceptions often deter men from considering a vasectomy. In this article, we aim to debunk some of the most common myths about vasectomies.

Man and wife walking on the beach holding hands

Comparing Micro-TESE and FNA Mapping / Testicular Mapping

Comparing Micro-TESE and FNA Mapping / Testicular Mapping

Non-obstructive Azoospermia is a concerning condition for any man. There are physical implications, of course, in that there’s no sperm in the semen, and the man cannot become a biological father. However, psychological considerations can also make azoospermia defeating. Many men find it very difficult to learn that the only option is relatively invasive microscopic surgery called MicroTESE which carries a 50% or less chance of finding sperm.

Man drinking from plastic water bottle while working out

Should You Drink Less if You Have BPH?

Should You Drink Less if You Have BPH?

While benign is in the name, it sure doesn’t feel like it to patients suffering from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). At first, many patients think they may have prostate cancer. They are relieved to learn that most cases of symptomatic lower urinary tract symptoms are not caused by a malignancy but rather this ubiquitous normal part of the aging process.